This Radical Support is focused on circular breathing also known as conscious connected breathing. This technique involves breathing with no pause. You breath with no pause between inhalation and exhalation. You breath in at your own pace and breath out at your own pace trying to maintain a rhythm that feels good to you.
Conscious Connected Breathing allows people to reconnect with themselves on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. Conscious Connected Breathing is a powerful, self-healing technique and you may find that suppressed thoughts, emotions, beliefs and trauma come up to be released through tears, trembling, a change in body temperature and other sensations.
I invite you to feel whatever it is that you need to feel, using your breath to stay present and support you to release. Simply return to your normal breath. Expect each time you do this to have a different experience.
The music has been created to support you with a calming effect to reduce anxiety and stress. The words peace and breathe are repeated which will be accessed by your subconscious so all you need to do is focus on your conscious connected breath.
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