A radically honest conversation with the social media influencer Sara Deshmukh who creates content full time and fully intended to do so, she states she is currently doing her ‘dream job’.
Sara shared her radical truth saying; “Social Media saved me” because social media platforms gave her the space to be herself and embrace her “weird and different” aspects and celebrate her race.
Sara wanted to create a community because she didn’t feel like she fitted in anywhere, her main goal was to support people to find friends. She discussed some of the content that ‘blew up’ and how her audience get really involved which illustrates just how keen her community is to follow her journey.
We discuss hate comments and Sara offers an interesting reframe which is worth considering if you are holding back from being present and visible on social media. This led us on to discussing body image and Sara explains the time when she felt she needed to be this ‘perfect’ person, then her sister walked in! Sara went on to explain that she now feels a sense of responsibility and wants to promote how natural beauty should be embraced.
Sara and I discuss how it can be tricky to create a work life balance and how it is hard to switch off, although she acknowledges this is partly because she feels inspired and doesn’t separate her social life from her work life easily. We both got radically honest about how it is hard to maintain a balance when you are self employed, but acknowledge how important it is.
We discussed:
- Body Image and Body Neutrality
- Mental Health
- Work life balance
- Race
- How to grow and maintain social media accounts
Sara offers her top tips on how to grow a social media accounts with commitment and acceptance being top of the list.
Here is a great piece of guidance from Sara…
“Don’t take yourself seriously but take it seriously.”
Listen for more great tips and an insight in to Sara’s journey so far.
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DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and connected website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any mental or physical health concerns.
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