Getting good quality sleep can be challenging for all of us at times and the quality of our sleep can affect our mental, emotional and physical health.

This Radical Support will guide you into sleep gently and with ease and with no outro at the end. You will be guided to connect with you physical body whilst calming the mind and letting go of the day and enter into restorative sleep.

The more you use this relaxation for sleep audio the more your mind and body create a neurological pathway connecting the audio with sleep.

If you are having struggles with sleeping please get in touch for a personalised approach to sleeping better.

Find out more:

To work with Rebecca one to one or to join the latest workshop, please go to:

To support yourself and your clients with The Integrity Method®, please go to:

DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and connected website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any mental or physical health concerns. 

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